We, the members of the CNC Group , agree to work collectively to make business deals for goods and services that will be financially advantageous to the members individual businesses. We may share our knowledge, techniques and operating procedures with other members. We understand that, in order to pursue these endeavors, certain statistical data must be shared by each of the members and compiled to fully understand the volume of business represented to potential vendors. We understand that this statistical information and all details of the deals in place or in process shall be treated by all parties involved as extremely confidential. Yo u r application is for one laboratory location only.
We understand that we are accepting a personal obligation to represent ourselves and our fellow members in the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree, but not limited to, the following:
- To sign and abide by the CNC Group’s confidentiality agreement.
- To be honest and realistic. In all matters.
- To work collectively for the good of the membership as a whole.
- To treat this group as an extension of your own business.
- To actively participate in the surveys and information requests of Board of Directors and the Executive Manager in a timely fashion.
- To actively participate in the deals that pertain to their businesses using approved vendors.
- To avoid any real or percieved conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to affected parties when they do exist.
- To protect the privacy and confidentiality of all information sought or received, and all resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.
- To share accurate statistical information in a timely manner.
- To avoid any discussion about the specific deals with non members.
- To abstain , for any reason, from sharing any statistical data about individual CNC members.
- To pledge that the deals information will not be used to negotiate private deals with competitive companies.
- To accurately respond regarding their intent to participate in the deals and follow through accordingly.
- To sum it up….all information relative to CNC members, operations, and deals stays within CNC only!
The principles of the Code are expressed in broad statements to guide that ethical decisions are made and to their confidentiality. These statements provide a framework of values. Ethical dilemmas occur when values are in conflict. The CNC Group’s Code of ethics states the values to which we, individually and as a group, are committed.
Compliance with the CNC Group’s Code of Ethics is a requirement for membership.
The CNC is a self-governed entity. Any suspected breach of the Code of Ethics, bylaws, or other behaviors felt to be conflict of the group’s best interests, shall be brought before the board and possibly before the group as a whole for discussion and possible action including, but not limited to, dismissal from the group. If a member’s compliance with the Code of Ethics is in question, the member shall have an opportunity to hear and respond to the concerns of the group either in a regular meeting or by written notice. If a member is terminated from the group they will continue to honor the Code of Ethics.